

This playlist contains various speakers and content that discusses biblical origins.

What is the origin of man? The Book of Genesis tells the truth of Creation and the origin of man. Genesis 2:7 (ESV) reads: then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. Genesis 2:21-22 (ESV) reads: So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.

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  • S1E5 Why should a ‘young earth’ even matter to Christians? (Part 2)

    Does the age of the earth affect the gospel? Find out in today’s episode. Many Christians may have never considered the damage to the concept of biblical authority that adopting the secular timescale has done.

  • S1E7 Why should a ‘young earth’ even matter to Christians? (Part 3)

    Far from being a side-issue, the age of the earth is vital to consistent gospel witness. Many Christians may have never considered the damage to the concept of biblical authority that adopting the secular timescale has done.

  • Why Genesis Matters, Part 1

    Part 1: Does the book of Genesis connect to real world issues? Does it actually affect our understanding of the major doctrines of Christianity? These issues and more are dealt with in this illustrated presentation as Dr. Mitchell shows how the fundamental doctrines of Christianity have their roo...

  • Why Genesis Matters, Part 2

    Part 2: Does the book of Genesis connect to real world issues? Does it actually affect our understanding of the major doctrines of Christianity? These issues and more are dealt with in this illustrated presentation as Dr. Mitchell shows how the fundamental doctrines of Christianity have their roo...

  • Why Genesis Matters, Part 3

    Part 3: Does the book of Genesis connect to real world issues? Does it actually affect our understanding of the major doctrines of Christianity? These issues and more are dealt with in this illustrated presentation as Dr. Mitchell shows how the fundamental doctrines of Christianity have their roo...

  • Darwinian Evolution: Religion of Death, Part 1 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 1: Darwin’s hypothesis on the origins of life led to a catastrophically destructive impact on society and Christian theology. Using quotes from Darwin himself, Dr. Mortenson explains how Darwin “murdered” the Bible’s teaching on death, the character of God, the basis for any moral absolutes ...

  • Darwinian Evolution: Religion of Death, Part 2 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 2: Darwin’s hypothesis on the origins of life led to a catastrophically destructive impact on society and Christian theology. Using quotes from Darwin himself, Dr. Mortenson explains how Darwin “murdered” the Bible’s teaching on death, the character of God, the basis for any moral absolutes ...

  • Darwinian Evolution: Religion of Death, Part 3 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 3: Darwin’s hypothesis on the origins of life led to a catastrophically destructive impact on society and Christian theology. Using quotes from Darwin himself, Dr. Mortenson explains how Darwin “murdered” the Bible’s teaching on death, the character of God, the basis for any moral absolutes ...

  • Darwinian Evolution: Religion of Death, Part 4 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 4: Darwin’s hypothesis on the origins of life led to a catastrophically destructive impact on society and Christian theology. Using quotes from Darwin himself, Dr. Mortenson explains how Darwin “murdered” the Bible’s teaching on death, the character of God, the basis for any moral absolutes ...

  • S2E2 Defining Genesis

    Defining Genesis. The original Webster’s Dictionary shows belief in a literal Genesis was commonplace before long ages and Darwinism.

  • S5E9 How the Redefinition of Science Has Rigged the Origins Debate

    How the redefinition of science has rigged the origins debate by creating a no-win scenario for creationists, regardless of the facts.

  • S5E10 How to Help People Navigate the Question of Ultimate Origins

    People often don’t know why or what they believe. Learn how to help people navigate the question of ultimate origins.

  • S1E27 Does modern entertainment reflect what people believe about origins?

    Does modern entertainment reflect what people believe about origins? Today’s pop culture looks far different from what our parents and grandparents observed, but why? (Note to parents: this episode mentions secular content that may be inappropriate for younger children.)

  • Why Theistic Evolution is Incompatible with the Bible - Simon Turpin

    Theistic evolution rejects the truth of Scripture. In this talk Simon explains the consequences of injecting Naturalism into the Bible. He reviews the essential doctrines this false teaching violates and encourages everyone to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

  • S4E22 Do bird brains reveal our origins?

    Evolutionists have tried to attribute the mental acuity of some bird species as evidence of a naturalistic origin for the human brain. Does this bird-brained idea make sense of the facts?

  • Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species (2021) - Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

    For over 40 years, evolutionists have insisted that creationists need to do more than just rebut Darwin. Yet when creationists have identified insurmountable obstacles to Darwinian evolution, the evolutionary community has shrugged its shoulders. “Until you creationists give us a better explanati...

  • Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species (2019) - Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

    Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson effectively and authoritatively documents the newest scientific discoveries, refutes Darwin's claims, and presents evidences that support a compelling alternate explanation for the origin of species.

  • Nathaniel Jeanson’s Book: Replacing Darwin

    Nathaniel Jeanson's Book: Replacing Darwin

  • The Origin of Life, Part 1

    A lecture on science and the Bible - The Origin of Life: Part 1
    Topics include: attempts to create life in a laboratory, the building blocks of life: an insurmountable problem for evolution, probability and the origin of life, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and information and complexity.

  • The Origin of Life, Part 2

    A lecture on science and the Bible - The Origin of Life: Part 2
    Topics include: attempts to create life in a laboratory, the building blocks of life: an insurmountable problem for evolution, probability and the origin of life, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and information and complexity.

  • The Origin of Life, Part 3

    A lecture on science and the Bible - The Origin of Life: Part 3
    Topics include: attempts to create life in a laboratory, the building blocks of life: an insurmountable problem for evolution, probability and the origin of life, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and information and complexity.

  • The Origin of Life, Part 4

    A lecture on science and the Bible - The Origin of Life: Part 4
    Topics include: attempts to create life in a laboratory, the building blocks of life: an insurmountable problem for evolution, probability and the origin of life, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and information and complexity.

  • The Origin of Humans, Part 1

    Part 1: A lecture on science and the Bible - Neandertals, australopithecines and other famous creatures: three case studies and an evaluation of the mechanisms for change.

  • The Origin of Humans, Part 2

    Part 2: A lecture on science and the Bible - Neandertals, australopithecines and other famous creatures: three case studies and an evaluation of the mechanisms for change.