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12/07 Doctors Without Limits

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Up Next in Debunking 7 Myths that Deny Genesis Historicity

  • 12/07 Doctors Without Limits

    U.S. government allows airlines to decide which animals can fly in passenger cabins; Paleontologists publish more parallel evolution headlines based on teeth; Evolutionists declare living species to be prehistoric relics; California educrats force 8-year-olds to learn Marxist theories instead of ...

  • 12/08 Did Apes Give Man a Spine?

    A bald eagle claims a shark being reeled in by a a fisherman; Research team claims their virtual fossils provide a missing link between apes and humans; Fewer Americans want children; Stay-at-home musician prefers evolution to Answers in Genesis . . . and other stories reviewed during this Decemb...

  • 12/09 Do You See What I See?

    Indonesian man makes cat costumes; Jupiter and Saturn appear closer than they have for almost 700 years; Film-makers feature Amazon wall paintings in new documentary; Professors complain after SCoTUS remembers freedom is more important than health; Campoamor twists celebrity miscarriages into pro...