12/09 Do You See What I See?
Debunking 7 Myths that Deny Genesis Historicity
Indonesian man makes cat costumes; Jupiter and Saturn appear closer than they have for almost 700 years; Film-makers feature Amazon wall paintings in new documentary; Professors complain after SCoTUS remembers freedom is more important than health; Campoamor twists celebrity miscarriages into pro-abortion propaganda; oxford futurists publish odds against evolution . . . and other news stories reviewed during this December 9, 2020, broadcast of Answers News.
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"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?" Psalm 8
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From hijabs to cosplay, Indonesian finds calling in cat fashion makeovers
Planets will align causing rare Christmas Star' to appear in the sky this December.
Sprawling 8-mile-long canvas' of ice age beasts discovered hidden in Amazon rainforest
To this Supreme Court, religious freedom trumps public health-even amid COVID-19 plague
Meghan's royal miscarriage story underscores broader problem of reproductive stigma
Intelligent life really can't exist elsewhere
Hallmark, Lifetime Christmas movies finally shows LGBTQ love in leading roles: It fits in'
Biblical Goliath may not have been a giant
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Photo by Dave Hoefler
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Up Next in Debunking 7 Myths that Deny Genesis Historicity
12/13 Why Did T-rex Get Bone Disease?
Deer seeks refuge in a church; Fewer Americans believe Jesus' teaching about hell; Apple pleases Chinese government by removing Bible and Quran apps; Paleontologists capitalize on Denisovan bone fragments to tell another deep-time story; Researchers find disease when they use dual-energy computed...
12/15 Is Abortion Better Than Adoption?
Sailor records white whale; Abortion advocate warns that adoption is harmful; Dawkins signs feminist declaration against transgender activists; Researchers program automated microscopes and artificial intelligence to categorize coccoliths; Paleontologists ponder puzzling footprints; Evolutionists...
12/16 Establishing A Secular State
Japanese seaweed farmer traps nine-arm octopus; Geneticists research migration through DNA; Nickelodeon helps transgender actor to coach children; Dogmatic activists want retail stores to stop distinguishing boys and girls; Professors study 2,500 grade-schoolers to find most-effective method of e...