11/10 Will Sponges Alter Fake Time?
Debunking 7 Myths that Deny Genesis Historicity
Trick-or-treat thief faceplants during getaway; Paleontologist's demosponges may alter 350 million years of imaginary time; Researchers find carbon inside rubies; Mandatory training at AT&;T claims white people are racist; Biologists try to explain evolution of similar neurons in humans and owls; Climate cultists re-write hymns to spread alarmism through the PCUSA . . . and other stories reviewed during this November 10, 2020 broadcast of Answers News.
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How long, o simple ones,
will you love being simple?
How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing
and fools hate knowledge?"
- - - - - - - - - - - Proverbs 1:22
Caught on security cam: Loser steals all the candy off a porch, promptly falls down stairs onto his face
Newly Found Sponge-Like Structures Could Push Animal Evolution Back by Several Hundred Million Years
2.5 billion-year-old traces of life locked inside primeval ruby
AT&;T says all white employees are racist,' must renounce systemic racism' and white privilege'
Barn owls make mental maps of their surroundings while they are flying
Check out this new Presbyterian hymn worshiping the climate and tell me Wokeism isn't a religion
Gene-edited stem cells help geckos regrow more perfect tails
Non-Darwinian Adaptive Radiation Proposed
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Photo by: Erik Witsoe
Up Next in Debunking 7 Myths that Deny Genesis Historicity
11/11 Leading Which Way?
Voeltzkow's chameleon seen again after 100 years; Biologists want to reclassify penguins; School officials prohibit girl's "Jesus Loves Me" face mask; Student body president is only part of the compromise in Calvin University's senate . . . and other stories reviewed during this November 11, 2020...
11/15 2,000 More Babies in Texas
California man finds grizzly bears inside his house eating his leftovers; Researchers think evolution made mice that can regenerate tissue; New NASA leader thinks a big universe includes ETs; September abortions drop by half in Texas after heartbeat law goes into effect; USA argues about roles of...
11/16 Not Your Grandmother's Woman
Physicists print microscopic platinum ships that trek through hydrogen peroxide; Activists pressure oxford to change definitions for women; 1.7 million Colorado voters reject ban on abortions after viability; Fossil theorists garner media coverage by connecting evolution to climate change; ACLU p...