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11/25 Thank God, Not the Universe

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Up Next in Debunking 7 Myths that Deny Genesis Historicity

  • 11/25 Thank God, Not the Universe

    Masked newborn proves evolution; Pundits attack congressman for leading people to Christ; Activist exploits her child to increase her fame; Angsty nihilist fears black holes won't remember him; Woke parents seek ungodly advice on how to deal with their "insufferable" children; Evolutionary biolog...

  • 11/29 Who Grants Authority to Parents?

    Ranger and social network return lost teddy bear to 6-year-old; Disciples of Karl Marx work to abolish family; Media covers our plans to build a Tower of Babel replica; Researchers concede mammoths lived more recently than they thought but still blame humans and climate change for extinction; Pal...

  • 12/02 Seeing Reality

    Atom seen during intelligently designed experiment; Data artists visualize molecular choreography within living cells; Reef biologist tries to define evolution and fitness in a way that supports socialism; Atheists continue to label dogma defying evidence as 'convergent evolution'; Canada's Jane...