2021 Answers for Pastors Conference Trailer
Debunking 7 Myths that Deny Genesis Historicity
If you can not be with us in person, purchase a live streaming access pass!
The 2021 Answers for Pastors and Leaders Conference, Raising Godly Generations to Face the Secular Giants, october 5 - 7, 2021
The conference is open to everyone. Whether you're a pastor or a pastor's wife, a Christian leader, a high school or college student, a parent, a grandparent, or a believer concerned about your generation, subsequent generations, and how to navigate the increasingly hostile culture we live in, this conference is for you.
Up Next in Debunking 7 Myths that Deny Genesis Historicity
2021 Unlocking Science Season 3 Teaser
A quick glimpse into what is coming in Season 3 of Unlocking Science
3/03 What Makes a False Teacher?
Man builds an ice bike; Professor tries to program chatbot AI to decode whale songs; ADF reviews consequences of "Equality" law; British police retreat from statement that being offensive is illegal; Researchers make claims about uncertain dates from partial DNA recovered from broken teeth; Cosmo...
3/08 Why Is Confusion Popular?
Toddler tries to call 911 on Dad's locked phone; California law makers bring back fines for retailers who dare to sell "boys" and "girls" toys; Gallup poll shows massive increase in young Americans identifying as neither male nor female; Researchers tracking movements of yellow slime molds claim ...