Debunking the 7 Myths of the Historicity of Genesis, Creation, and Noah's Flood
Debunking 7 Myths that Deny Genesis Historicity
Secular collegesand even many Christian collegesteach that the Bible is not real history, especially Genesis 1 - 11. Today's students want to know: When does the truth start in the Bible? on the first page? How many pages need to be flipped until truth begins? These 7 videos review the evidence that supports the historicity of Genesis, including Creation, the Flood, and Adam and Eve.
Note: We are thrilled to partner with like-minded ministries to bring you a variety of faith-building content. Please be aware there may be some denominational views expressed that do not necessarily reflect the non-denominational stand of Answers In Genesis.
Up Next in Debunking 7 Myths that Deny Genesis Historicity
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