Honest man returns water tower accidentally sold by city; Hungarian parliament outlaws LGBTQIA+ indoctrination of children; Biochemists examining shape-changing polymerase end up challenging a central dogma in biology; Additional fossils force reclassification of "dino-bird" skull; CBS news team excuses theft of non-CBS property; Biologists studying teeth buried in deep-sea sediment realize a major ocean extinction event wiped out over 70% of sharks . . . and other stories reviewed during this June 23, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.
- - - - - - - - - - - Ephesians 4:28
Florida city accidentally sells its water tower
Hungary bans promotion of homosexuality, transgenderism to minors
New discovery shows human cells can write RNA sequences into DNA
An ancient creature thought to be a teeny dinosaur turns out to be a lizard
CBS anchor excuses Walgreens shoplifter in viral video: 'You're getting probably something you need'
A shark mystery millions of years in the making
A widely studied lab plant has revealed a previously unknown organ
Black Studies Prof: Queen Is Symbol of White Supremacy', University Employing Him Racist'
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Photo by: shironosov
Getty # 1063716508
Up Next in Debunking Evolution: What Everyone Should Know
6/24 Colors Beyond our Sight
Maintenance crew stuffs roller coaster; Politicians insist conversion is abuse; Researchers sort 929 genomes into evolutionary model; Activists hate female author; Hummingbirds see colors humans can't; Bird feathers bend light; Nickelodeon celebrates #pride; Chemist and geologist think life came ...
7/01 Rumors of War
NASA shows ten years of sun photos in one hour video; People accumulate genetic mutations at different rates; Maloney claims religious liberty means discrimination; one-third of Americans polled think civil war is likely; Dutch court gives no penalty to doctor who murdered rebellious patient; Res...
7/06 Embracing Sin As Identity
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