10/18 Big Tech Threatens Climate Change Deniers‚?
Debunking Evolution: What Everyone Should Know
ontario woman wakes up to meteorite on her pillow, YouTube &; Google decide to stop monetization of so-called "climate change deniers," Superman now bisexual, dinosaur shrimp' emerge after Arizona monsoon, Lego to remove gender stereotypes from toys, the odds we are living in a computer simulation . . . and other stories reviewed during this october 18, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.
Genesis 8:22 (ESV)
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ontario woman wakes to meteorite landing on her pillow
The chimaera challenge
YouTube, Google make huge decision to stop monetization of climate change deniers
Superman now bisexual : Don't need Another straight white savior.' Writer says
Hundreds of three-eyed dinosaur shrimp' emerge after Arizona monsoon
Earliest evidence yet of huge hippos in Britain
Lego announces plans to remove gender stereotypes from toys following global survey
What are the odds we are living in a computer simulation?
Photo by veeterzy on Unsplash.
Up Next in Debunking Evolution: What Everyone Should Know
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