8/05 Darwin Cannot Explain
Debunking Evolution: What Everyone Should Know
Professors swallowing evolution; Experts defining satire as fake news; Activists finding less support for LGBTQIA+; Scientists measuring moon rocks change their story - again; Dragon DNA astounding researchers; Professor giving up Darwin . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
Up Next in Debunking Evolution: What Everyone Should Know
8/12 Life Without Purpose?
Scientists replace old assumptions with new assumptions; California chooses politically correct indoctrination; Prince Harry fears overpopulation; British youth fail to live their best life‚; PhD forces human/monkey hybrid; Hollywood portrays abortion . . . and more during today's episode of Answ...
8/19 Sandy Foundations
Hollywood portrays abortion; Scientists worry about accidental moon invasion; Ancient eyes match modern eyes; Hillsong worship leader renounces faith; Skillet lead singer calls church back to solid foundations; Giant penguin discovered; Squirrels stump scientists; Artificial intelligence tests ev...
9/13 Replacing Darwin
Scientists debate new book Replacing Darwin, shark eats plants as a side dish to shellfish, Brown Univ. pulls plug on gender dysphoria study, ACLU of KY prepares to fight back against religion in schools, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a ...