8/16 When Did These Cave Lions Die?
Dismantled: Scientific Deconstruction of Evolution
Trojan horse hoax returns to embarrass media; Largest teacher's union sues mother of kindergarten student; Creationists and evolutionists disagree about cave lion ice mummy evidence; Canadian pastor defends congregation from LGBTQIA+ intolerance; London police arrest American street preacher . . . and other stories reviewed during this August 16, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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"The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him."
- - - - - - - - - - - Proverbs 18:17
Did archaeologists find the Trojan Horse?
https://www.jpost.com/international/did-archaeologists-just-find-the-trojan-horse-676349 (article removed from site)
Teachers union sues school board, mother to block release of critical race, gender theory records
The Siberian Simba: Perfectly preserved cave lion cub found frozen in Siberia confirmed to be a female that died 28,000 years ago
You can't pray the gay away': Threats of violence made, protest held over beliefs of new church in Kelowna
Be prepared for persecution,' American Evangelist warns following arrest for preaching against homosexuality in London
The extinct species within
Ignore Roe' Billboard in Texas removed after one day because of Death Threats
1,000-Year-old remains may be of a highly respected nonbinary warrior, study finds
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Photo by: Centre for Palaeogenetics
Up Next in Dismantled: Scientific Deconstruction of Evolution
9/14 Let's Burn A Church
Pythons break through ceiling; Evolutionists wrestle with dingo origins; Amazon expands censorship of one viewpoint; Police warn pastor not to offend gay pride mob; Geneticists admit loss of information drives variation (but still trust "Nature" to produce information); Researchers checked more ...
8/24 Euphemisms Cloak Murder
Canadians install satellite dishes on beaver dams; Hallmark releases film with a lesbian wedding; Burmese find extinct ant in solid sap; Americans argue about abortion restrictions in Arkansas; Fruit flies use special nerve cells; Doctors in Flanders approve of murdering "defective" babies; More ...
8/25 Do Children Belong to the State?
Black cat leads rescuers to missing woman; Snopes fact-checker caught cheating; Researchers model asteroid impacts; Scientists document how fetal membranes heal; School district instructs teachers when lie to parents about gender; Columnist repeats biased inaccurate history; Finland joins Sweden ...