Three Ways to Make an Ape-Man (2021)
Dismantled: Scientific Deconstruction of Evolution
We've been told that humans evolved from ape-like creatures, and fossils like Lucy‚ are touted as being ape-men,‚ or links, in the evolutionary chain. Join Dr. David Menton as he explains the three ways that facts must be twisted in order to call fossil remains an ape-man. Dr. Menton will teach you how to recognize the tell-tale signs that separate an ape from a human. Using your new knowledge of things like differences in facial structure, ulna shape and pelvic alignment, you will then test your ability to distinguish those ape-men‚ that are really apes from those that are really humans.
Far from being ancestors of humankind, ape-men can only be constructed in one of three ways: by taking a human skull and declaring it to be ape-like (e.g., Neanderthal man); by taking an ape skull and declaring it to be human-like (e.g., Lucy, or Australopithecus afarensis); or by mixing ape and human fossil specimens together (as was done with Piltdown man). After seeing this workshop you will have no doubt that the famous Lucy‚ fossils belong to a knuckle-walking, ape-like animal, and not a creature that is part ape and part human.
DR. DAVID MENToN holds a PhD from Brown University and served as a professor at Washington University for 34 years. He retired as an associate professor emeritus and now serves with Answers in Genesis.
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