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12/16 Lighting the Darkness

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12/09 Frozen Puppy Was A Dog

Dismantled: Scientific Deconstruction of Evolution • 33m

Up Next in Dismantled: Scientific Deconstruction of Evolution

  • 12/16 Lighting the Darkness

    Electric eel celebrates the season; Freedom wins in Kentucky; CT scans of dinosaur jaw bones show unerupted teeth; Professor tells Christian colleges to conform; Printers embed DNA in 3D bunnies . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.

  • 2/03 Wading Thunder Lizards

    A teacher gets creative; Earth's history may be rewritten...again; Dinosaurs thought to hand-stand; Franklin Graham discriminated against; Butterfly wings found to be complex; Rapid evolution not so evolutionary; Brazil promotes creationist; Babies feel pain . . . and more during today's episode ...

  • 2/04 Rain on Saturn

    Disney hosts LGBT event; rain from Saturn's rings; bugs as pet food; wild stork breeding reported as contamination; Democrats try to delete God, but fear public ... and more in this week's episode of Answers News with Avery Foley, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, and Bryan Osborne hosted at the Creation Muse...