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7/29 How Earth Got Its Climate...

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  • 7/29 How Earth Got Its Climate...

    Engineers surprised at complicated nanostructures in insects; International team declares five-inch hippo bone was an ancient tool; London activist wants society to get rid of white men; Kaufman writes crosswalk signals are racist; Geologist preaches deep time dogma; Climate alarmists revise date...

  • 8/02 Who Puts Men in Women's Prisons?

    Spanish police respond to cat playing loud music; California bureaucrats offer licensed contraceptive counseling and birth control to female inmates (after placing males in women's prisons); Shatner says nothing matters; Scientists discover ABo blood groups in neanderthals and denisovans; US poll...

  • 8/03 Plus or Minus 1,200,000,000

    Wildlife Federation celebrates tiger success by demanding more government action; Fewer Americans report reading their Bibles; Rowling tries to reason with transgender advocates; Astrophysicists' measurements give different ages for the universe; Fulani Muslims burn, loot, rape and murder in yet ...