7/27 Fruitless and Not Multiplying
Dismantled: Scientific Deconstruction of Evolution
Cee films lightning at the Statue of Liberty; Pew publishes results of international God and morality survey; Communists enter homes of Christians to force worship of CCP; Duke graduate student concludes we are all fish; Chemists admit DNA is more complicated than commonly taught; Burton rescues newborn from trash can; Gates' researchers create model that forecasts shrinking global population; Evolutionists shocked that fish can cross-breed after 184 million years . . . and more reviewed during this July 27, 2020, broadcast of Answers News.
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God blessed them. And God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth ..." Genesis 1:28
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Lightning strikes just behind Statue of Liberty in dramatic video
Majority of Americans don't believe they need God to be good: Pew
China orders Christians to replace crosses and images of Jesus Christ with portraits of communist leaders
Single-Letter Change in DNA Unlocks Insights Into Spine's Evolution
Quadruple-stranded DNA seen in healthy human cells for the first time
Mother of newborn baby found in NC trash can arrested, charged with attempted murder
Fertility rate: 'Jaw-dropping' global crash in children being born
Scientists accidentally create 'impossible' hybrid fish
Hand axe made from a hippopotamus femur discovered in Ethiopia was used by early ancestors 1.4 MILLIoN years ago
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Photo by Wonsung Jang
Up Next in Dismantled: Scientific Deconstruction of Evolution
7/29 How Earth Got Its Climate...
Engineers surprised at complicated nanostructures in insects; International team declares five-inch hippo bone was an ancient tool; London activist wants society to get rid of white men; Kaufman writes crosswalk signals are racist; Geologist preaches deep time dogma; Climate alarmists revise date...
8/02 Who Puts Men in Women's Prisons?
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8/03 Plus or Minus 1,200,000,000
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