Divers record octopus punching fish; Scientists reinforce each other's assumptions about mummified wolf pup; Botanists find unknown plant in Hawaii; Dogma drives quest for and interpretation of ancient ice; Massachusetts Democrats override pro-choice Governor's veto so that 16 year-old girls can abort without telling parents; State university IT department embraces role as thought police; Media reports speculation about untestable formula as a study by experts; openDemocracy pressures Amazon to block charitable donations to Christian groups that assert biblical sexuality . . . and other stories reviewed during this January 6, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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By the breath of God ice is given,
and the broad waters are frozen fast.
- - - - - - - - - - - Job 37:10
octopus punches fish in the head (just because it can)
57,000-Year-old Frozen Remains of Wolf Pup Found in Canada
New plant found in Hawaii believed to be the only one of its kind in the world
oldest Antarctic Ice: Will Searching For An older Ice Core Help Understand Earth's Climate?
Massachusetts lowers age for abortions without parental consent
University IT Department Embraces Role As Thought Police
Milky Way may be full of aliens who annihilated themselves, study says
Amazon Pressured to Drop Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Focus on the Family from Charity list
Satanists say Abortions save lives' on billboard outside Houston
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Photo by 66 north
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Up Next in Genesis Impact - There Is Another View
1/10 Trapped by TikTok
Study reports benefits of cofee and chocolate; Watch dog group documents TikTok leading kids into gender denying surgeries; ELCA pastor preaches in drag; Evolutionists estimate time required for ichthyosaurs to get so big; Archaeogeneticists sample DNA from exhumed bodies for insights into histor...
1/11 Will Utopians Build Equiterra?
Australians play in snake-infested sea foam; Pennsylvania Health Department publishes guidelines for sinning; Evolutionists try another way to accidentally produce life from chemistry; Paleoanthropologists resist evidence that Neanderthals were human; True-believers want to re-classify minerals a...
1/13 Should Meeting Be Criminal?
Livescience lists medical oddities from 2020; "Awoman" congressman prayed to Brahma; Democrats continue using the words their new rules prohibit; Geneticists find identical twins may not have identical DNA; Astrophysicists continue to debate the age of the universe; Scottish politicians issue mo...