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7/06 Embracing Sin As Identity

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Up Next in Genesis Impact - There Is Another View

  • 7/06 Embracing Sin As Identity

    Mad hatterpillars keep their heads; Voters want women's sports for females; Court rules states cannot exclude religious schools; Evolutionists think they think like monkeys; Professors re-examine saber-tooth marsupial teeth; Hatmakers celebrate sin-based identity; ELCA asserts anti-biblical defin...

  • 7/07 Can Elephants Inspire Engineers?

    Baby boy born halfway through pregnancy celebrates his first birthday; IRS says Bible-quoters are too partisan to qualify for tax-exempt status; Researchers use infrared spectroscopes to find proteins in fossilized eggs; Evolutionists think the mass burial in the Haiyan Lagerstätte fossils ma...

  • 7/08 Biblical Justice Is Personal

    Bioengineers invent way to translate ASL; Pastors seek compromise with advocates who demand absolute affirmation; Naturalists choose sides on asteroid v. volcano dogma; ontario pastor declares he is a woman; African pastor warns ethnic gnosticism is a false religion; Atheist magazine labels peopl...