The Building of the Ark Encounter Trailer
Genesis Impact - There Is Another View
Come along on a journey of many years from the first brainstorming plan in 2004 to the grand opening in July 2016 of the Ark Encounter!
Up Next in Genesis Impact - There Is Another View
The Creation of Christmas Promo
Premiering November 28th. The Christmas season is often called the most wonderful time of the year‚ and it's filled with remarkable history, family celebrations, and joyful carols. Join Peter Schriemer as he explores the history behind the traditions of Advent and the candles that represent hope...
The Genesis Account of Noah's Ark - T...
The idea of a man building a giant boat to rescue humanity has been the subject of much interest and scrutiny, and Noah and his Ark have been represented in many different ways throughout human history. The Ark is a common target for those who wish to mock a plain reading of the Bible. Even withi...
The Genetics of Adam & Eve
one of the biggest debates in evangelical Christianity today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Join Dr. Georgia Purdom as she delves into the genetics behind humanity.