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4/12 Jesus Was Drag King Claims Theology Professor and other News

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4/11 The Lord God Brought Her to the Man

Genesis Impact - There Is Another View • 33m

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  • 4/12 Jesus Was Drag King Claims Theol...

    Jesus was 'drag king' claims theology professor, atheists find meaning in life by inventing fairy tales, a 2nd 'Big Bang' could end our universe in an instant, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.

  • 4/13 Wake Up Call

    Residents jury rig pizza elevator; Deer wander streets of Calgary; Americans sense opportunity to repent; Americans buy more Bibles; Paleontologist earn money by changing their story... often; Climate alarmists leverage Covid-19; Activist arrested at field hospital; Eight activists arrested outsi...

  • 4/15 New Human Species Found

    Deaf frogs glow; Professor says UFos come from future; Yale Law discriminates against minority viewpoint in the name of tolerance; Filipino cave bones challenge out-of-Africa dogma . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast from the Creation Museum.