Sailor records white whale; Abortion advocate warns that adoption is harmful; Dawkins signs feminist declaration against transgender activists; Researchers program automated microscopes and artificial intelligence to categorize coccoliths; Paleontologists ponder puzzling footprints; Evolutionists indoctrinate five-year-old . . . and other stories reviewed during this December 15, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will,
- - - - - - - - - - - Ephesians 1:5
Rare white sperm whale like Moby Dick captured on video
I was adopted. I know the trauma it can inflict
Even renowned atheist Richard Dawkins recognizes the abomination of gender ideology
When variations in Earth's orbit drive biological evolution
Ancient footprints suggest a mysterious hominid lived alongside Lucy's kind
Curious Kids: how did crocodiles survive the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs?
Switzerland Approves Assisted Suicide Capsule'
Migratory birds have lighter-colored feathers
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Photo by: NYTimes and Daily Beast
Up Next in GENESIS: Paradise Lost (Español)
12/16 Establishing A Secular State
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12/20 Where Are Italy's Babies?
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12/21 Conform to the World
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