5/23 Hawaiian Birds Evolve Fast
GENESIS: Paradise Lost (Español)
Chilean lawmakers consider legalizing teen suicide; Hawaiian birds trick evolutionists into conceding rapid speciation; US birth rates hit record low; ontario rules Christian doctors must offer abortions and euthanasia . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
Up Next in GENESIS: Paradise Lost (Español)
5/30 Fake News Lifts Ark
ontario tells doctors to support killing or change careers; Canadian corporations reject pro-life movie; Human tail fables; Professor expects evolution on Mars; Naturalists misinterpret Flood debris rafts and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
6/03 Billion-Year-old Fungus?
Raccoon dog terrorizes village; First photo of white panda; Graduate student speculates about microfossil; Naturalists misinterpret Flood debris rafts; Gucci fashion show features abortion; Researchers use ribosome profiling to discover mini-proteins in our hearts; Senolytics removes old cells to...
6/06 Climate Fear Mongers
Razor company confuses girls and boys; Using seafloor iron deposits to tell stories about supernova powered forest fires; Pastor resigns to stand for Biblical truth; Climate alarmists use government education to scare children . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live ...