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4/13 Wake Up Call

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4/12 Jesus Was Drag King Claims Theology Professor and other News

GENESIS: Paradise Lost (Español) • 35m

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  • 4/13 Wake Up Call

    Residents jury rig pizza elevator; Deer wander streets of Calgary; Americans sense opportunity to repent; Americans buy more Bibles; Paleontologist earn money by changing their story... often; Climate alarmists leverage Covid-19; Activist arrested at field hospital; Eight activists arrested outsi...

  • 4/15 New Human Species Found

    Deaf frogs glow; Professor says UFos come from future; Yale Law discriminates against minority viewpoint in the name of tolerance; Filipino cave bones challenge out-of-Africa dogma . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast from the Creation Museum.

  • 4/16 First Atheist Chaplain and other...

    First atheist chaplain, Christian colleges are tangled in their own LGBT policies, why extraterrestrial life may be more unlikely than scientists thought, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.