Livescience lists medical oddities from 2020; "Awoman" congressman prayed to Brahma; Democrats continue using the words their new rules prohibit; Geneticists find identical twins may not have identical DNA; Astrophysicists continue to debate the age of the universe; Scottish politicians issue more restrictions on worship, weddings and funerals; Elders at Trinity Bible Chapel stand up to government; Archeologists debate whether a niche next to a floor indicate the place Herod decided to kill John the Baptist . . . reviewed during this January 13, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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But Peter and John answered them, Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge..."
- - - - - - - - - - - Acts 4:19
Strange Medical Cases from 2020
Amen and Awoman': Minister Invokes Hindu god, offers gender lesson during opening prayer for 117th Congress
Democrats mocked for still using Gendered language' they banned in the House
Identical twins don't share all DNA
Astronomers agree: Universe is nearly 14 billion years old
Updated: Scotland bans public worship for second time during COVID-19 crisis
Canadian church pens epic response after police charge six elders for holding services in defiance of lockdowns
Dance floor where John the Baptist was condemned to death discovered, archaeologist says
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Photo by Kevin Nielsen / Global News File
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Up Next in GENESIS: Paradise Lost
1/18 What Makes a Platypus?
Unfamiliar creatures from hidden corners of creation; UK activists wants national database of race offenders; University of Florida Anthropology Department excludes students based on skin color; Biologists map a platypus genome, then assume evolution made it; Chemists hope diamidophosphate (DAP) ...
1/19 Atheists Predict a Cold End
Bee stings the Ark and Christian unity over baptism; Big Bang believers bemoan the end of the universe; Twitter suspends man for saying men are men; British tribunal rules against bureaucrats who harassed cross-wearing nurse; Baltimore surgeons transplant genetically modified pig heart into sick ...
1/20 Do Sliced Fossils Help Evolution?
Man trains fish to play soccer; Vegas school suspends senior who objects to being labeled as a oppressor; Evolutionists slice Namacalathus fossils hoping to solve the Cambrian explosion; Museums compare scans of wolf and Tasmanian tiger skulls; NY Times argues lockdowns help reach Paris climate g...