Trending sidewalk girl hints at loss of perspective; Biologists freeze and thaw rotifers; Alberta Judge Shaigec says freedom of religion is subject to reasonable limitations; Blum urges intolerance in the Jerusalem Post; Scottish teachers' union hosts play portraying Jesus as a transgender woman; PM Trudeau insists Canadians are not free to hate . . . and other stories reviewed during this June 16, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kindslivestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.‚ And it was so. And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
- - - - - - - - - - - Genesis 1:24-25
Internet Baffled by photo of girl seemingly stuck in sidewalk
This animal survived 24,000 years frozen in the Siberian permafrost
Court disregards Charter freedoms in. Pastor James Coates trial;utm_campaign=standard
God and dinosaurs: Do they contradict?
Teachers' Union decision to celebrate pride month with a play portraying Jesus as transgender sparks criticism
Justin Trudeau: Freedom of expression isn't freedom to hate‚
Songbirds can control single vocal muscle fibers when singing
Biden's Budget Replaces the Phrase Pregnant Women' with Birthing People
CBS, Hallmark Reject Pro-Life Ad that Shows Ultrasounds, Babies: Too Controversial'
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Field Museum, Chicago, United States photo by Chris Nguyen
Up Next in GENESIS: Paradise Lost
6/17 Britain Rethinks Puberty Blockers
Married couple celebrates 80-year anniversary, Harvard prof urges homeschoolers to be indoctrinated by public schools, Britain reverses direction on puberty blockers, scientists discover dinosaur's last meal, researchers find oldest land animal fossil, punctuated evolution example debunked, court...
6/21 Will UFOs Save Evolution?
Whale gulps down then spits out fisherman; Gallup reports abortion survey results; Researcher challenges hype around declassified Unidentified Aerial Phenomena data; NYC Public Transit posts threatening signs; Edinburgh city council pays £25,000 fine for unlawfully canceling Christian conferen...
6/22 Flood Solves Antarctica Rainfore...
Drunk elephants and armadillos baffle scientists, US Supreme Court normalizes transgenderism, Tennessee schools required to release students in time for church, Global Flood solves Antarctica rainforest mystery, 30 alien civilizations lurking in the Milky Way? Disney fans cry "racism" at theme pa...