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11/04 Dino-Bird Dead End

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11/03 Do DNA Tangles Rescue Evolution?

GENESIS: Paradise Lost

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  • 11/04 Dino-Bird Dead End

    Pufferfish sculpt the seafloor, atheists credit evolution; Cuyahoga County lawyers settle with Covenant Weddings to avoid lawsuit; Chinese communists enforce laws against online Bible sales; Canadian Bill 213 insists every person authorized to solemnize marriage must comply with ontario governmen...

  • 11/08 Who Twists God's Word for Abort...

    World media cover big TikTok snake video; Feminist religious leaders re-translate one verse and ignore the rest of Scripture . . . and other stories reviewed during this November 8, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.

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    For the time is coming when people will not endure sound t...

  • 11/09 Just Like Us - Neanderthal Chil...

    After 14 sons, Schwandt family welcomes first daughter; oncologists discover hidden glands in the top of our throats; Scans of three baby teeth show more similarities between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens; Bachelor adopt five siblings; Evolutionists celebrate the social meaning they created for m...