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Trailer: Debunking The 7 Myths

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Trailer: Debunking Evolution

GENESIS: Paradise Lost

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  • Trailer: Debunking The 7 Myths

    Secular collegesand even many Christian collegesteach that the Bible is not real history, especially Genesis 1 - 11. Today's students want to know: When does the truth start in the Bible? on the first page? How many pages need to be flipped until truth begins? These 7 videos review the evidence t...

  • GENESIS: Paradise Lost Trailer - Long

    With cutting-edge cinematography, "GENESIS: Paradise Lost" brings the creation of the universe to life! Using stunning visual effects, epic orchestration, and the latest scientific and historical research, this film explores the context of the highly studied and hotly-debated book of Genesis. Viv...

  • GENESIS: Paradise Lost Trailer (Espanol)

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