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9/15 Do You See What I See?

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  • 9/15 Do You See What I See?

    Mom posts funny photo of her daughter and a stingray; New York Democrat calls Texan Christians "extremists" and recommends home abortions; Religious leaders form group to oppose Texas abortion law; Dakota triceratops to be sold at French auction; American Psychological Association report contradi...

  • 9/21 Life on Venus! Well...

    Cat knocks dog owner unconscious; President cuts propaganda from federal trainings; Psychologists suggest all beliefs in god (except their own) come from brain chemistry; MacArthur willing to launch jail ministry; CNN pitches flammable, foul, toxic gas to evolution devotees on Earth; Mainline Pro...

  • 9/23 Good News in Iran

    Bandit monkey leaves selfie evidence; Countries show different trends on abortion; Scientific American reveals their bias is political too; Paleontologists admit dinosaurs were rapidly entombed while alive; Mount Holyoke College trades women for gender diversity; Jesus grows his church in Persia ...