Trooper warns festive driver to turn off his lights; Palaeoentomologists examine 1,400 flea genes then reorder evolution's tree of life; Abortion activists complain fetus photos are unfairly persuasive; Democrat Tulsi Gabbard sponsors two bills to defend unborn babies; Researchers intelligently design multi-beam apparatus to test theories about complex organic molecules forming in space; Dr. James Tour says the whole idea of life from non-life is highly improbable‚ . . . and other stories reviewed during this December 30, 2020, broadcast of Answers News.
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Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.‚
- - - - - - - - - - - Revelation 4:11
Wisconsin trooper pulls over car covered with Christmas lights
Study resolves position of fleas on the tree of life.
The iconic photo hijacked by the anti-abortion movement
Democrat Tulsi Gabbard introduces pro-life bill that bars abortion for pain capable babies
Device mimics life's first steps in outer space
Scientists are Clueless‚ about origins of life says top chemist and nanotechnologist
Told you so: 3 dads' in California lead the charge to normalize polyamory
SC school board settles lawsuit with atheist group over student led graduation prayers
Newly discovered orchid species labelled ugliest in the world
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Photo by Nonsap Visuals
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Up Next in Memory Music & Building Blocks
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