Researchers see a "golden" bear in Peru; Probe survey shows large decline in US Christianity over the last 10 years; Homosexual advice columnist helps people leaving God to find Magic; Bank of America, Lowe's and Truist sponsor CRT training to make employees "woke at work"; Colorado father persuades school board to ban CRT; Researchers feed two dozen cuttlefish to test their memory; Analysts review 35 years of surveys to show a majority of Americans now believe in human evolution . . . and other stories reviewed during this September 1, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few‚
- - - - - - - - - - - Jesus in Matthew 7:13 - 14
Researchers spot a golden' bear while studying endangered spectacled bears in Peru
60% of adults under 40 say Jesus isn't only way to salvation; equal to Buddha, Muhammad
I'm done with religion, but I miss spirituality'
Bank of America, Lowe's sponsored CRT training urging whites to cede power to people of color'
Black father tells board CRT keeps racism on life support', moments later they vote to ban it
Cuttlefish remember what they had for lunch 2 days ago-and don't get forgetful with age, study finds
Evolution now accepted by majority of Americans
Trans activist tells female rape victims to reframe their trauma' and allow transgenders in female rape crisis centers
Booksellers' organization apologizes for promoting book on trans damage to children
Discovery of prehistoric mammals suggests rapid evolution of mammals after dinosaur extinction
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Photo by: Andrii Yalanskyi
Getty # 1077119024
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