Inside the Kangaroo Walkabout
Memory Music & Building Blocks
Walk about with kangaroos at the Ark Encounter with us.
Up Next in Memory Music & Building Blocks
It Can't Be That Big! (The Giraffe Fa...
George believes some things that he has never actually investigated.
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What a blessing! The Ark Encounter &; The Creation Museum are opened.our themed attractions will conduct temperature tests of staff, regularly clean and sanitize facilities, outfit employees with masks, a...
January 2022: Aoudads
2022 January: Learn about aoudads! Goat mountain is home to the Barbary Sheep that live in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
January 2023: Announcement of the She...
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!‚ Luke 2:13 - 14 (ESV)