Pythons break through ceiling; Evolutionists wrestle with dingo origins; Amazon expands censorship of one viewpoint; Police warn pastor not to offend gay pride mob; Geneticists admit loss of information drives variation (but still trust "Nature" to produce information); Researchers checked more than 10 million star systems, but find no aliens; California lawmakers reduce penalties for pedophiles; Seattle closes park, so Christians worship in the street . . . and other stories reviewed during this episode of Answers News.
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"With his mouth the godless man would destroy his neighbor,
but by knowledge the righteous are delivered." - Proverbs 11:9
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2 massive pythons fall through Australian man's ceiling
The Elusive Dingo
Amazon bans book outlining health hazards of homsexuality'
Pastor told not to offend gay pride as mob threaten to burn down his church
By Losing Genes, Life often Evolved More Complexity
E.T. missing? Astronomers come up empty looking for technological signs of life in 10M star systems
Cali Passes Bill to Soften Criminal Penalties for LGBT adults who have sex with minors
Seattle Bans Christians From Worshipping in Park, But Then God Intervened
Honeybee venom destroyed breast cancer cells: Study
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Photo by Jenni Jones
Up Next in The Exodus Digital
9/15 Do You See What I See?
Mom posts funny photo of her daughter and a stingray; New York Democrat calls Texan Christians "extremists" and recommends home abortions; Religious leaders form group to oppose Texas abortion law; Dakota triceratops to be sold at French auction; American Psychological Association report contradi...
9/21 Life on Venus! Well...
Cat knocks dog owner unconscious; President cuts propaganda from federal trainings; Psychologists suggest all beliefs in god (except their own) come from brain chemistry; MacArthur willing to launch jail ministry; CNN pitches flammable, foul, toxic gas to evolution devotees on Earth; Mainline Pro...
9/23 Good News in Iran
Bandit monkey leaves selfie evidence; Countries show different trends on abortion; Scientific American reveals their bias is political too; Paleontologists admit dinosaurs were rapidly entombed while alive; Mount Holyoke College trades women for gender diversity; Jesus grows his church in Persia ...