Study reports benefits of cofee and chocolate; Watch dog group documents TikTok leading kids into gender denying surgeries; ELCA pastor preaches in drag; Evolutionists estimate time required for ichthyosaurs to get so big; Archaeogeneticists sample DNA from exhumed bodies for insights into history . . . and other stories reviewed during this January 10, 2022 broadcast of Answers News.
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Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
- - - - - - - - - - - 1 Corinthians 6:18
A fan of black coffee and dark chocolate? It's in your genes, a new study says
TikTok is enticing kids into having trans surgeries, take cross-sex hormones: child advocates warn
Left-wing Lutheran church holds drag sermon for children to reflect on joy';utm_campaign=usa
These ancient marine reptiles got very big, very fast
Bronze Age migration may have brought Celtic languages to Britain
Darkness caused by dino-killing asteroid snuffed out life on Earth in 9 months
Explained: Why these Mexican fish do the wave
FiveThirtyEight asked for people's abortion stories on Christmas Day and got a bunch of stories of people choosing LIFE instead
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Photo: Jatuporn Tansirimas
Getty # 1299026578
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