Maintenance crew stuffs roller coaster; Politicians insist conversion is abuse; Researchers sort 929 genomes into evolutionary model; Activists hate female author; Hummingbirds see colors humans can't; Bird feathers bend light; Nickelodeon celebrates #pride; Chemist and geologist think life came from bubbles . . . and more during this June 24th broadcast of Answers News.
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Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created. (Revelation 4:11)
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Stuffed animals ride San Diego roller coaster amid COVID-19 (get video)
Peter MacKay backs Trudeau govt: It's child abuse' for parents seeking to help gender-confused children
Denisovan DNA influences immune system of modern day oceanian populations
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling faces blowback for saying biological sex distinctions exist
How Britain's colonial past can be traced through to the transphobic feminism of today
Spectacular bird's-eye view? Hummingbirds see diverse colors humans can only imagine
The strange physics of why blue jays look blue even though they aren't
Nickelodeon celebrates Pride Month by revealing SpongeBob SquarePants as gay
Potential beginning of life simulated in lab
over 200K pre-born babies killed in England, Wales in 2019, an all-time high
Ancient origin for key hormone system: Sea cucumbers
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Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay
Up Next in The Exodus Digital
7/01 Rumors of War
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7/06 Embracing Sin As Identity
Mad hatterpillars keep their heads; Voters want women's sports for females; Court rules states cannot exclude religious schools; Evolutionists think they think like monkeys; Professors re-examine saber-tooth marsupial teeth; Hatmakers celebrate sin-based identity; ELCA asserts anti-biblical defin...
7/07 Can Elephants Inspire Engineers?
Baby boy born halfway through pregnancy celebrates his first birthday; IRS says Bible-quoters are too partisan to qualify for tax-exempt status; Researchers use infrared spectroscopes to find proteins in fossilized eggs; Evolutionists think the mass burial in the Haiyan Lagerstätte fossils ma...
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