9/24 Marijuana for Lobsters
The Exodus Digital
Maine restaurant gets lobsters high on marijuana before killing them, protecting babies from abortion is Un-Christian,‚ the truth about Bert and Ernie's relationship, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
Up Next in The Exodus Digital
03/14 Young Adults Are Abandoning God...
In a recent survey done on young adults, almost half of them preferred socialism to capitalism, 90% of them said they were mixing different parts of multiple religions together so as not to be intolerant,‚ and only 28% believed the Bible was the Word of God.
In this Answers News broadcast, Patri...
7/19 - Will the Moon Flood the Earth?
Paratrooper survives 15,000 foot fall; Skeptic promotes museums; Burge charts answers people gave to questions about God; Eugenics resurfaces in California designer baby business; Somone plans to release pregnant man emojis; NASA report on moon's 18.6-year tide cycle now includes climate fears . ...
S1E1 Freakshow: Evolution in Entertai...
In the 1800s and early 1900s, traveling circuses provided hours of amusement for attendees. But there was a dark side to many- specifically- the sadly misnamed freak show. Most exhibited were the unfortunate victims of medical conditions that lead to de-humanizing exploitation- the most negativel...