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7/26 What Does Disney Preach?

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7/15 Stranger Family

The Exodus Digital

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  • 7/26 What Does Disney Preach?

    Couple finds 18 snakes under their bed; Court rules Iowa university violated religious liberty; Teen Vogue celebrates Disney's queer HSMTMTS love song; Researchers consider genetic material found in giant lemur jawbone; Whistleblower reveals how toy company trains employees to see children as rac...

  • 7/27 Fruitless and Not Multiplying

    Cee films lightning at the Statue of Liberty; Pew publishes results of international God and morality survey; Communists enter homes of Christians to force worship of CCP; Duke graduate student concludes we are all fish; Chemists admit DNA is more complicated than commonly taught; Burton rescues ...

  • 7/29 How Earth Got Its Climate...

    Engineers surprised at complicated nanostructures in insects; International team declares five-inch hippo bone was an ancient tool; London activist wants society to get rid of white men; Kaufman writes crosswalk signals are racist; Geologist preaches deep time dogma; Climate alarmists revise date...