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180 Trailer

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The Exodus Digital

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  • 180 Trailer

    "180" has been called 33 minutes of adrenaline video, fascinating, shocking, and an experience that will shake your world. It is an evangelistic video that carries a message in favor of life, in which you will see how eight people who consider themselves pro-abortion change their opinion in a mat...

  • 7 Reasons Trailer

    Is it okay to abort a baby? What would you say? People give many reasons why abortion is an acceptable choice, including:

    - The inconvenience of pregnancy
    - Incompetence of parents
    - Infant disabilities
    - It's the woman's body
    - It's not a baby
    - Rape or incest
    - She's not ready to be a parent


  • Full Length Trailer - The Moses Contr...

    Did Moses write the first books of the Bible? Many mainstream scholars say No! But the Bible states YES! Award-winning filmmaker Timothy Mahoney (Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus) is back again, bringing new evidence to light in the latest documentary: Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy...