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7/08 Biblical Justice Is Personal

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7/07 Can Elephants Inspire Engineers?

The Moses Controversy Digital

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  • 7/08 Biblical Justice Is Personal

    Bioengineers invent way to translate ASL; Pastors seek compromise with advocates who demand absolute affirmation; Naturalists choose sides on asteroid v. volcano dogma; ontario pastor declares he is a woman; African pastor warns ethnic gnosticism is a false religion; Atheist magazine labels peopl...

  • 7/12 Who Insists Creation Is Racist?

    Honest couple notifies bank about $50 billion error; Canadian radio host fans flames of church arson; Scientific American publishes accusation that opponents of evolution are white supremacists; Paleontologists x-ray fossilized dino dung and discover new beetle; Six patients receive experimental ...

  • 7/14 Who Wants to Make Disciples?

    Dentists design magnetic mouth-lock to prevent overeating; Teacher sues administrators over skin-color curriculum; Utah BLM declares US flag a hate symbol; National Geographic tries to fit carved bones into evolutionary storyline; Uncomfortable agnostics recognise the value of Christian faith; Is...