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9/14 Let's Burn A Church

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  • 9/14 Let's Burn A Church

    Pythons break through ceiling; Evolutionists wrestle with dingo origins; Amazon expands censorship of one viewpoint; Police warn pastor not to offend gay pride mob; Geneticists admit loss of information drives variation (but still trust "Nature" to produce information); Researchers checked more ...

  • 9/15 Do You See What I See?

    Mom posts funny photo of her daughter and a stingray; New York Democrat calls Texan Christians "extremists" and recommends home abortions; Religious leaders form group to oppose Texas abortion law; Dakota triceratops to be sold at French auction; American Psychological Association report contradi...

  • 9/16 O Sacred Neck?

    Frenchman with electric fly-swatter explodes kitchen; Seattle allows communist protests then puts up fences to block Christian worship; Honeybee venom compound destroys cancer cells; Archaeologists link stonework to David's dynasty; Chicago Abortion Fund puts up signs for tax-funded murder; Music...