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12/09 Frozen Puppy Was A Dog

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12/02 Ross' Tiny Flood

The Moses Controversy Digital • 32m

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  • 12/09 Frozen Puppy Was A Dog

    Sagan endorses spirituality; Behar labels Christians; NYT blames falling birthrates on capitalism; Dogor was a canine; Stars throwing comets; Freedom wins another battle; Designed to do what they do . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.

  • 12/16 Lighting the Darkness

    Electric eel celebrates the season; Freedom wins in Kentucky; CT scans of dinosaur jaw bones show unerupted teeth; Professor tells Christian colleges to conform; Printers embed DNA in 3D bunnies . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.

  • 2/03 Wading Thunder Lizards

    A teacher gets creative; Earth's history may be rewritten...again; Dinosaurs thought to hand-stand; Franklin Graham discriminated against; Butterfly wings found to be complex; Rapid evolution not so evolutionary; Brazil promotes creationist; Babies feel pain . . . and more during today's episode ...