7/15 Stranger Family
The Moses Controversy Digital
Engineers produce geostationary satellites that map lightning; SCoTUS won't tell religious schools who to hire; Atheistic assumptions drive new Turkana Boy analysis; Co-parenting is old, not new; Parents choosing to homeschool overwhelm state bureaucracy; Atheists change opinions about Earth's magnetic field based on professors' computer simulation . . . and more in this July 15, 2020, broadcast of Answers News.
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I am my beloved's, and his desire is for me.
Song of Songs 7:10
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400-mile-long lightning bolt over Brazil is biggest in recorded history
Supreme Court upholds religious schools' right to hire, fire religious teachers
Study: Human ancestor Homo erectus had the stocky chest of a Neanderthal
New co-parenting trend sees singles having children with strangers
North Carolina gov't website crashes due to influx of parents filing to homeschool
Earth's magnetic field can change 10 times faster than previously thought
How does Earth sustain its magnetic field?
Supergenes play a larger role in evolution than previously thought
The electric hum of life may have originated with primordial lightning
Not the Bee: Teacher, BLM activist says "2 + 2 = 4" is a "cultural" belief based on "western imperialism/colonization"
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Photo by Brett Jordan
Up Next in The Moses Controversy Digital
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7/27 Fruitless and Not Multiplying
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7/29 How Earth Got Its Climate...
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