Jobs, jobs, and more jobs at the Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, and Ark Encounter!
April 20th Job Fair:
open Interviews at the Ark
Full list of open positions:
Up Next in The Red Sea Miracle 1 Digital
S3E1 What's Coming to the Ark for 2022
From the top deck of Ark take a Behind the Scenes tour with Ken Ham, CEo and Founder of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. Ken shares the new attractions and expansions coming to the Ark Encounter for 2022.
S3E2 Visit the Greenhouses of the Ark...
Join Ken Ham and Tim Schmitt for a Behind the Scenes Tour of the Greenhouses of the Ark Encounter
S3E3 See the Newly Updated Palm Plaza
Allen Greene, AIG's Attractions Design Director, and Ken Ham go behind the scenes at the Creation Museum to take a sneak peek at the new and expanded pro-life exhibit, "Fearfully & Wonderfully Made," and the upgrade of Palm Plaza.
This new exhibit opens in october!
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