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S1E1 Freakshow: Evolution in Entertainment

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7/19 - Will the Moon Flood the Earth?

The Red Sea Miracle 1 Digital

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  • S1E1 Freakshow: Evolution in Entertai...

    In the 1800s and early 1900s, traveling circuses provided hours of amusement for attendees. But there was a dark side to many- specifically- the sadly misnamed freak show. Most exhibited were the unfortunate victims of medical conditions that lead to de-humanizing exploitation- the most negativel...

  • S1E10 The Genesis Account: Noah the E...

    Noah the Evangelist. Scripture says that the Patriarch Noah was not just a ship builder, but a preacher of righteousness. And his message is the same now as it was then.

  • S1E4 The Genesis Account: Where is th...

    Some have declared that there is absolutely no evidence of a global flood on earth, while others contend it's all around us. How can there be such a divide on the issue, even among Bible believers? Explore these issues in this enlightening and visually rich investigation of Noah's Ark.