4/01 Be Fruitful and Multiply
The Red Sea Miracle 1 Digital
Couple accidentally buys decrepit old mansion; UK denies asylum to Iranian Christian because Christianity is "violent"; Ancient humans used monkey bones as tools; Poisonous gas indicates alien life; Confused adults seek parenthood-indecision therapists . . . and more in today's episode of Answers News, broadcast from the Creation Museum.
Up Next in The Red Sea Miracle 1 Digital
4/05 oldest Human Footprints in North...
oldest human footprints in North America suggest "early entrance" into Americas, dinosaur tracks on Skye "globally important," judge to North Carolina prisons: humanism is a faith group, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
4/06 Not By Bread Alone
Astrophysicist magnetizes his face; Bakers make dough on virus; Paleontologist claims to find fish fingers; Cambridge Ph.D. student "proves" Darwin using Biblical kinds; British approve home abortions; Court sentences Argentinian doctor for refusing to abort baby; de Blasio pressures NYC churches...
4/11 The Lord God Brought Her to the Man
Indian squirrels go viral; Soft childhood food may lead to impacted wisdom teeth; Activist who redefined marriage now wants options; Wheaton profs release evolutionary creationism text about God's two books; Cognitive biologists study a few cats; Professors speculate about origin of RNA and DNA; ...