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6/25 The Religion of Atheism and more!

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  • 6/25 The Religion of Atheism and more!

    Atheism is the fastest growing religion, and a study finds religious people live four years longer than atheists; world's oldest rain forest frogs found in amber; and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.

  • 6/27 Opposites Attract?!?

    Corsican cat-fox is a cat; Pakistani politician is not a cat; Dead woman kills dog; Authors insist male/female attraction is dehumanizing; Science editor thinks smartphone users look down more than book readers; Drag queen teaches church kids; Bacteria more complicated than evolutionists expected...

  • 6/28 Hillsong United, Lyrics, and Evo...

    Hillsong United, lyrics, and evolution; being transgender no longer a mental disorder; Canadian Judge recognizes two men in polyamorous relationship with woman as parents of child, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.