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Genesis Impact Trailer

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  • Genesis Impact Trailer

    Secular museum docent (Reggie McGuire) presents his best case for evolution at the natural history museum, but little does he know that Christina (Hannah Bradley) has a few questions at the end of his talk that turn the tables Christina's questions dismantle evolution and her meek yet powerful pr...

  • Trailer: Debunking Evolution

    Join study partners, John and Jane as they explore the challenges to the evolutionary theory and why the Bible makes the most sense of the scientific evidence. An essential video for Christian students attending Junior High to College. Most public schools teach evolution theory as fact, taking a ...

  • Trailer: Debunking The 7 Myths

    Secular collegesand even many Christian collegesteach that the Bible is not real history, especially Genesis 1 - 11. Today's students want to know: When does the truth start in the Bible? on the first page? How many pages need to be flipped until truth begins? These 7 videos review the evidence t...