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Three Ways to Make an Ape-Man (2021)

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  • Three Ways to Make an Ape-Man (2021)

    We've been told that humans evolved from ape-like creatures, and fossils like Lucy‚ are touted as being ape-men,‚ or links, in the evolutionary chain. Join Dr. David Menton as he explains the three ways that facts must be twisted in order to call fossil remains an ape-man. Dr. Menton will teach y...

  • We're one Blood Music Video - Buddy D...

    Buddy Davis sings We're one Blood.

  • Tilt Shift Season 2 Promo

    This isn't your typical movie review show-we're not saying that you should or shouldn't watch the films we review, several websites do that already. Instead, we're examining the ideas and philosophies found in these movies from a Biblical perspective to help shift your thinking to align with the...