Join Tim and Bryan as they break down some of the themes and ideas presented in the MCU film, Avengers: Endgame.
Up Next in The Red Sea Miracle 1 Digital
S1E9 Secular Humanism - Todd Friel
Popular apologist Todd Friel takes you on a breakneck 6,000-year tour to equip you to answer the questions secular humanism persistently asks.
S2E1 2021 Here We Stand
Ken declares our allegiance to Jesus Christ, and to the authority of His Word regardless of political and cultural changes in 2021. During this Answers in Genesis staff meeting, Ken boldly affirms our statement of faith. We will continue to take public stands for a young earth, a global flood, bi...
S2E1 Fall Migration
Journey through the season of fall with host Peter Schriemer to discover the seasons, the reasons, and the ways that creatures migrate in the fall. Let it remind you of how God guides us on our journeys in life and meet some amazing migrating creatures - like geese, cranes, vultures, birds of pre...