Woman wakes to snake biting her face; After five years, researchers explain comet's invisible glow in satellite photos; Wisconsin astronomers announce a gas giant around a white dwarf; Stargazers speculate x-ray fluctuations may be extragalactic planet; Evolutionary biologist tells story about slow brains (misses irony); ontario LGBTQ2 activists claim Christianity increases suicides; Vox uses Marxism to spoil Beethoven; Lightning kills two giraffes . . . in this September 30 broadcast of Answers News.
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And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever."
- King David, 1 Chronicles 28:9
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Coolalinga woman wakes at 2am to find snake 'chomping' on her forehead
Comets Have (Ultraviolet) Aurora, Too
Giant Planet Found Around A White Dwarf
First candidate for an extragalactic planet identified
These fossils show our brains evolved slower than our society
Residential schools cast long shadow on LGBTQ2 community in northern ontario
Vox makes ridiculous claim that Beethoven's 5th Symphony somehow represents "elitism and exclusion"
Giraffes Are Basically Fuzzy Lightning Rods, New Research Suggests
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Image by Gerd Altmann
Up Next in Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set
A Unique Resource
Dr. Georgia Purdom, Director of Educational Content at Answers in Genesis, sat down with Avery Foley to discuss what's unique about ABC for Homeschool compared to the myriad of other Bible curricula available for homeschoolers.
ABCH for Middle School
Join Dr. Georgia Purdom and Dr. Dana Sneed as they discuss teaching middle schoolers using Answers Bible Curriculum Homeschool. Learn useful tips for adapting and modifying the curriculum for teens.
ABCH Promo
Bryan and Avery introduce Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool (ABCH).
Whole Bible. Whole Truth. That's the motto of Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool. This exciting curriculum, for kindergarten through grade five, goes through the entire Bible chronologically in four years. It's an inc...