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12/13 Why Did T-rex Get Bone Disease?

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  • 12/13 Why Did T-rex Get Bone Disease?

    Deer seeks refuge in a church; Fewer Americans believe Jesus' teaching about hell; Apple pleases Chinese government by removing Bible and Quran apps; Paleontologists capitalize on Denisovan bone fragments to tell another deep-time story; Researchers find disease when they use dual-energy computed...

  • 12/15 Is Abortion Better Than Adoption?

    Sailor records white whale; Abortion advocate warns that adoption is harmful; Dawkins signs feminist declaration against transgender activists; Researchers program automated microscopes and artificial intelligence to categorize coccoliths; Paleontologists ponder puzzling footprints; Evolutionists...

  • 12/16 Establishing A Secular State

    Japanese seaweed farmer traps nine-arm octopus; Geneticists research migration through DNA; Nickelodeon helps transgender actor to coach children; Dogmatic activists want retail stores to stop distinguishing boys and girls; Professors study 2,500 grade-schoolers to find most-effective method of e...