Neuroengineers improve brain-to-computer interface; Sedimentologist assumes timing of Wyoming footprints; Activists want little league coaches to advocate critical race theory; UCLA PhD student researched the noises animals make when they play; Advocate for atheism insists Ken is wrong, before agreeing with Ken's point; European geochemists claim Australian zircons record 1.5 billion years of crust formation; Twitter bans Spanish politician for tweeting that a man does not have a uterus . . . and other stories reviewed during this May 26, 2021 broadcast of Answers News.
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The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God will stand forever.
- - - - - - - - - - - Isaiah 40:8
Brain computer interface turns mental handwriting into text on screen
58-million-year-old footprints show when mammals began paddling in sea
Virginia little league coaches told they must attend ‘anti-racist’ training similar to critical race theory taught in schools.
From apes to birds, there are 65 animal species that “laugh”
The Atheist Worldview: Is Life Without God Bleak?
Modern plate tectonics on Earth emerged 3.6B years ago, study says
Twitter Fascists ban Spanish politician for Heinous Act of Stating that “A Man Cannot Get Pregnant”
Corals swap in heat resistant algae to better cope with global warming
The Indonesian Island of Sulawesi is an Evolutionary Puzzle
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Photo by Felipe Bustillo -
Up Next in Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set
5/27 Seeing Everything Differently
Climate alarmists discover penguins are dangerous too; Prodigal posts personal truth; Microaggressive academics tell people to follow rules; Lawyers propose laws to protect churches from lawsuits; Evolutionists see what they want to see in knuckles bones; Reporters insist hot meteor impacting icy...
6/01 God Gave Them Up
Heroic boys rescue drowning girl; Activists capitalize on police brutality to foment destruction; Private-sector space program succeeds; Postdoctoral fellow mistakes longer toes for evolution; Researchers implant electrodes to trace letters in participants’ minds; USA birth rate lowest since 19...
6/02 Do Fewer Millennials Know God?
Dad invents germ-free way to blow out candles; Archeologists try to fit tropical Sulawesi into story of evolution; Canadians kill 24,000 people in first five years of legal euthanasia; Researchers use fake sounds and multiple choice to speculate about evolution of language; Over 40% of millennial...