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5/27 Seeing Everything Differently

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Up Next in Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set

  • 5/27 Seeing Everything Differently

    Climate alarmists discover penguins are dangerous too; Prodigal posts personal truth; Microaggressive academics tell people to follow rules; Lawyers propose laws to protect churches from lawsuits; Evolutionists see what they want to see in knuckles bones; Reporters insist hot meteor impacting icy...

  • 6/01 God Gave Them Up

    Heroic boys rescue drowning girl; Activists capitalize on police brutality to foment destruction; Private-sector space program succeeds; Postdoctoral fellow mistakes longer toes for evolution; Researchers implant electrodes to trace letters in participants’ minds; USA birth rate lowest since 19...

  • 6/02 Do Fewer Millennials Know God?

    Dad invents germ-free way to blow out candles; Archeologists try to fit tropical Sulawesi into story of evolution; Canadians kill 24,000 people in first five years of legal euthanasia; Researchers use fake sounds and multiple choice to speculate about evolution of language; Over 40% of millennial...