Simon Turpin interviews geneticist Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson about the new book Traced.
What happened to the ancient Egyptians? The Persians? The Romans? The Mayans? Are we their descendants? Recent genetic discoveries are uncovering surprising links between us and the peoples of oldlinks that rewrite race, ethnicity and human history.
More about Nathaniel: Ôªø
More about Simon:
Up Next in Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set
Trailer: Contending for Creation Webinar
our UK team is hosting a creation webinar. This unique conference will focus on the various key aspects of creation and events recorded in Genesis 1-11.
Trailer: Demolishing Arguments Webinar
The belief in evolution and millions of years not only dominates the world's thinking but sadly the thinking of many in the church as well. The Demolishing Arguments' webinar conference will respond to these evolutionary ideas with talks addressing theistic evolution, human origins and purpose, ...
Truth: Answers for Women 2021 - Ken H...
At Answers for Women Conference 2021, we delve deeply into God's Word to find out the truth. Satan is crafty, and he mixes truth with error making it hard to discern right from wrong. But when we understand and embrace God's Word, we will know the difference between the truth and the lies and we ...